In any case, waking up and getting ready for something you don’t want to do is always a struggle. Wanting to get up and ready for school has always been a problem for me and many other students. In the morning I get up and leave my house by 7:40 am. Our breaks and lunches are broken up into two groups. What break and lunch you are in depends on what class you have. I have a second break and lunch both days so I have two classes then break another class and then I have lunch and following that I have my last class. In my school, we have a D1 and D2. Each day goes between those two days and each day we have different classes. Where as my friend in Tennessee has a different schedule that consists of, “having the same schedule everyday, classes one through five, then lunch, then classes six through eight, each class lasting forty-five minutes, one of those classes being a Bible class. This is all different however on Wednesdays, we have chapel between third and fourth period”.
Hopkinton High School schedule
In my school we have very smart teachers and coaches and we are all very fortunate. Smaller schools don’t have the same situation. For example, my friend from Tennessee who goes to a private christian school has had another experience. She wrote,
“Because we are such a small school we have many issues. One being sports, this year our football team only had eighteen players. Currently our girls basketball team only has seven players. Our best sports team is our softball team, even being the best team at Zion, the farthest we have made it was when we won our district tournament my freshman year. Our school has also never won a state championship, which I know is very different from your school which won nine in one year. Another huge issue Zion has is that we do not have much money, we are in so much debt. This causes us to have a lack of teachers. My sophomore year, my spanish teacher became my math teacher, let’s just say I learned absolutely nothing about math that year. My current math teacher was not intending on becoming a high school math teacher, believe it or not he was only a manager at our local sporting goods store, who I believe was only minoring in math, not teaching”.
Coming back to my school, each of our classes last 75 minutes. Personally our teachers drag out one topic just to get through one class. Then after two weeks of dragged out material we have a test. Most of us can’t even remember what we learned the first day because of how long they dragged it out and how fast you lose focus because of boredom. An attention span of a high schooler is 10-12 minutes, so paying attention for a long period of time is almost impossible.
Bored kids in class |
According to “What is the Real Ideal Class Length?” One of the advantages to overcome boredom is having shorter classes. The teachers dive straight into instruction as soon as the class started, with fewer interruptions for maintenance. Students who have shorter classes are constantly shifting classes break up the day and prevent boredom. The teachers know that the time is maximized so they work quickly to incorporate the day’s necessary instruction. Each class is different so Instruction is fresh and changed on a regular basis. Students lose focus easily so having shorter classes students actually receive more total class time as a result of shortened periods.
Works Cited
bored kids in class. 15 May 2015. K12, 15 May 2015, Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.
"What is the Real Ideal Class Length?" Tenney School, 2105, Accessed 11 Dec. 2019.